Kaunas Waldorf School is a non-governmental general education school based on the Waldorf pedagogy system.

Our vision is a Waldorf school that covers all stages of general education, where teachers, children and parents are constantly educating others and themselves.

Our mission is to create an environment based on Waldorf pedagogy principles in which a child develops to be confident in themselves and their abilities - a clear-minded person with a sensitive heart and a strong will.

The aim of our education is to create conditions for students to grow into harmonious, free and responsible personalities by teaching according to the General Programs adapted to Waldorf pedagogy.

Kaunas Waldorf School belongs to a large family of Waldorf schools, uniting more than 1000 schools around the world and the Lithuanian Waldorf School Association. The activities of the Waldorf School in Lithuania are regulated by the Concept of Non-Traditional Education and the Concept of Waldorf Pedagogy.

The implementation of the Waldorf school idea in Kaunas started in 1996 in Šančiai school where the first classes of Waldorf appeared. Later, until 2010, Waldorf classes traveled through other Kaunas city schools. An independent Kaunas Waldorf school was established in 2006, with 1-5 grades and two kindergarten groups.

The school currently has grades 1-12, three kindergarten groups and a pre-school class.

Institution group - general education school and kindergarten.

Type of organization - public institution.

Type of school dependency - non-governmental school.

Mokyklos steigėjai – privatūs asmenys: mokinių tėvai, mokytojai.

Type of education - non-traditional.

Basics of pedagogy - Waldorf pedagogy.

Name usage - under a license issued by the Free Waldorf School Union (Bund der Freiein Waldorfschulen).

Mokyklos adresas – Šiaurės pr. 57, Kaunas.

E-mail[email protected]

Language used in education - Lithuanian.

Membership - founder and member of the Lithuanian Waldorf School Association (LVaMA).

The school has its own attributes: logo, flag, coat of arms, song.

Structure and management

Stakeholders of the school
School board (3 mokytojų kolegijos atstovai ir 3 tėvelių atstovai)

Administration (head of school, debuty heads for education, deputy heads for stewardship,kio dalies vedėjas, virtuvės vedėjas)
Teachers College (all teachers, pre-school group educators, student support specialists)
School's stewardship
School's catering employees

Specific work groups:

  • Tuition Fee Group
  • Publicity Group
  • Development Group
  • Financial Group
  • Architects Group

Mokyklos kolektyvas


Mindaugas Jukna

Head of School

Eglė Kriaučiūnienė

Vadovo pavaduotoja ugdymui ir karjeros specialistė

Kristina Pačėsienė

Vadovė ugdymui

Austėja Bliumkytė-Padgurskienė

Projektų koordinatorė

Inga Žiupkienė-Rudžionė

Vadovė ūkiui

Laura Pukinskienė


Teachers are asked to be contacted by e-mail [email protected]

Or by phone 8-613-22011

Class Teachers

Rima Rimkuvienė

1st grade teacher

Giedrė Grigienė

1st grade teacher assistant

Natalija Pečiulionienė

2nd grade teacher

Kristina Andrašiūtė

2nd grade teacher's assistant

Lina Liach

3rd grade teacher

Indrė Zečiūtė

3 klasės mokytojos padėjėja

Jurgita Bujanauskienė

4th grade teacher

Aistė Leonavičienė

4th grade teacher assistant

Rima Šniraitė

5th grade teacher

Ieva Lideikytė-Milaknienė

5th grade teacher

Eglė Žukienė

6th grade teacher

Jurgita Žebrauskienė

6th grade teacher

Jurgita Zokaitytė

7th grade teacher

Mindaugas Kilda

7 klasės mokytojas

Eglė Motiekaitė

8 klasės mokytoja

Vilma Čepukienė

8 klasės mokytoja

Ilona Kačerauskienė

Mokytojos padėjėja (motinystės atostogos)

Eglė Palivonienė

I gimnazijos klasės mokytoja

Tomas Kmieliauskas

II gimnazijos klasės mokytojas

Jolita Urlakienė

III gimnazijos klasės mokytojas

Karolis Zimblys

IV gimnazijos klasės mokytojas

Subject Teachers

Andrius Strazdauskas

Informacinių technologijų mokytojas

Asta Kraujūnienė

Lithuanian Language & Literature

Aušra Norvaišienė

German Language

Daiva Vaišnorienė

IT, Project Coordinator

Dalia Dastikienė

Lithuanian Language & Literature

Eglė Motiekaitė

Anglų kalbos, šokio mokytoja

Eglė Žukienė


Ema Silvija Bojadžian


Erika Jarienė

Lithuanian Language & Literature

Ieva Lideikytė-Milaknienė

German Language

Ieva Zokaitienė

Theater & Ethics

Inga Žiupkienė-Rudžionė


Irena Straukienė

Geografijos mokytoja

Jolita Urlakienė

Chemijos mokytoja, bibliotekininkė

Judita Tarasevičiūtė

Lithuanian Language & Literature

Jurgita Zokaitytė


Jurgita Žebrauskienė

Art & Art History

Justina Ližaitienė

Dance (Eurythmy)

Karolis Zimblys


Laima Danutienė


Marius Bytautas

Sexuality Education & Mathematics

Miglena Perminienė


Mindaugas Kilda


Paulius Klapatauskas

History & Citizenship

Rita Budrė

Audimo mokytoja

Rūta Tamulaitienė


Tomas Kmieliauskas

Physics & Physical Education

Ugnė Žvirblė

Matematikos mokytoja

Ugnė Alaburdaitė

Matematikos mokytoja

Vilma Čepukienė

Fizinio ugdymo mokytojas

Student Support Specialists

Vilma Čepukienė


Svaja Zubavičiūtė


Gerda Solomatina

Psichologo asistentė

Pre-school Education

Asta Pikiotė

Pre-school Teacher

Indrė Sereda

Pre-school Teacher

Indrė Radzevičiūtė-Bagdonavičienė

Ikimokyklinės-priešmokyklinės grupės auklėtoja (motinystės atortogose)

Ingrida Jonušienė

Pre-school Teacher

Lina Suodienė

Pre-school Teacher

Kristina Rauplytė

Pre-school Teacher

Rasa Markevičienė

Pre-school Teacher